Research platforms

Urban Arena
Urban Arena is an interdisciplinary research network that aims to strengthen sustainable urban development expertise at Lund University. The network includes about 200 early career and senior researchers from multiple disciplines who focus on a wide range of topics related to cities and the built environment The researchers collaborate internally on shared interests and also engage with non-academic partners to make tangible links between research and practice.

SPARK is a collaborative platform located in Malmö, Sweden with the purpose of strengthening the interface between architecture, art, research, and societal advancement through exhibitions and lectures. The aim is to promote artistic processes in architecture and urban development by activating intersections between art, architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture.

bioDigital matter
bioDigital matter are a research lab exploring the intertwined realities of biology, design, and computation. We are architects seeking a radically different future, where principles of self-organization and emergence shape our built environment through cybernetics, organic materiality, and adaptation: the interactive phylogenesis of architecture.

Kivik Art Centre
Kivik Art Centre and the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment at Lund University are collaborating on the Land Arc residency programme. The goal is to bring together young artists, architects, engineers and ecologists from several different countries and offer them the opportunity to meet and develop and develop ideas and practices in the field.