H22 City Expo, Helsingborg

The School of Architecture at Lund University and Urban Arena Lund University participated in the H22 City Expo 2022
Pavilion – People's Walk 30 May – 3 July
Full scale student project, Studio Advanced Architectural Design.
Politics in practice, seminar 9 June
Seminar and panel discussions
More about Politics in practice on the website of the Form Design Center
How can the spatial field take its place in urban development?
Date: 9 June
From School of Architecture at Lund University: Per-Johan Dahl and Christer Larsson.
0% - Transformation as an alternative to demolition in cultural environments
Date: 9 June
From School of Architecture at Lund University: Per-Johan Dahl.
Spatial qualities in the data-driven city
Panel discussion Date: 31 May
From School of Architecture at Lund University: David Andréen, Per-Johan Dahl and Fredrik Torisson.
Communicating urgencies: Reconceptualizing the naturum
Student Exhibition - AAHF30 Architecture In the Contemporary
Date: 10 – 27 June
More about Communicating urgencies on the website of Campus Helsingborg (in Swedish).
H22 Alone together
Per-Johan Dahl and Fredrik Linander from School of Architecture at Lund University.
Social sustainability and loneliness in housing construction.
Lighted and populated
Student Exhibition - AFON20 Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
Date: 30 May – 7 July
Place: Brandstationen Gåsebäck, 4th Floor
Urban Recycling - Gåsebäck
Student Exhibition - ASBN06 Sustainable Urban Recycling (SUDes).
From School of Architecture at Lund University: SUDes team/Lars-Henrik Ståhl, Louise Lövenstierne, Andreas Olsson, Teresa Arana Aristi
Exhibition: Teresa Arana Aristi, Wendy Hernandez Madrigal, Ghada Ahmed and Antonia Jacob
Date: 30 May - 3 July
The (in)exploring city - research project 7-10 June
Hypothesis Lab Designed living environment 8 June
Date: 8 June
From School of Architecture at Lund University: Ida Sandström och Per-Johan Dahl
Research project Sällbo in Helsingborg
From School of Architecture at Lund University: Ivette Arroyo.
More about Research project Sällbo on the archive website of H22 City Expo (in Swedish)