A stream of films: Artistic processes and research

The College by Marit Lindberg
The staff at the Lund School of Architecture meet at their weekly information session.
Normally, "Fika Forum" is held in the staff kitchen once a week. The prefect leads the meeting. Important information is exchanged.
During the Covid pandemic, the meetings are held on Zoom instead. Despite the physical distance, a new kind of intimacy emerges as colleagues who have never visited each other look into each other's homes in the background.
Favorite books appear on the bookshelf, a child calls out, a pet runs by.
The meeting is about to end and the head of department thanks the employees. One of the researchers then raises her hand and wants to add something important. It seems that all the colleagues have had the same dream that night.
Marit Lindberg is an Artist and Senior Lecturerat the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH-Lund University.

Cosmos by Niklas Nihlén
When St. Thomas' church in Lund is rebuilt in 2019, the altar will be placed in the east with the consequence that a large section of windows needed to let in less light. Then we concluded that the most sustainable option was a composition with colored glass. There is also a smaller window painting in the Mariakapellet.
Niklas Nihlén is an Artist, also working with interior architecture. Lecturer in Architecture at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH-Lund University and at IKDC Industrial Design Lund University.

Thomasson on Campus? by Lars-Henrik Ståhl
Lund University's 'LTH Fountain' shows resemblances to the type of objects associated with a Japanese conceptual art movement known as 'Hyperart Thomasson' in the 1980s. The movement documented useless urban leftovers – structures with a former function, discovered as part(s) of buildings or the built environment. In this context, Thomasson objects stand out as “strange objects that appear accidentally in the process of urban transformation”. Professor of Architecture Lars-Henrik Ståhl is currently developing a short film exploring this connection. 'Thomasson on Campus?' is screened here as a work-in-progress.

Testing full scale by Cecilia Wendt
In the course Kitchen Regions: Conveying the Design, Aesthetics, and Politics of the Kitchen, AFOA30, for students in Industrial Design Engineering, the full-scale laboratory influenced the workshop Do Kitchens Exist? Artistic Kitchen Aspects in ways I had not expected. More questions arose and influenced the workshop, such as the inquiry into how the full-scale laboratory at LTH in Lund came about.
Cecilia Wendt is an artist, has worked as associate professor and senior lecturer, and is a guest teacher at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH-Lund University