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Køgevej 210

Køgevej 210 

by students and teachers at the School of Architecture, Lund University, 2024

During the spring of 2024 an abandoned house in Denmark became a protagonist of various activities and works in and around Lund and Gadstrup, Danmark. For this exhibition, two of these projects have been entangled in an attempt to unfold multiple narratives: one is the process of a two-day excursion conducted by the course Material and Detail II*, and the other is a student** constructing his thesis about the house.

The result is a video documenting two days of work by many, combined with weeks of reflections and actions by one, highlighting an example of the exchange and fluid borders created when working open ended beyond course codes and institutional hierarchies.

*Participants and teachers:

Ayité Kwasi Keith Mipoom Adjavon, Mohammad Al Haj Jadaan, Victor Andersson, Daniela Antón Barahona, Sarah Camitz, Tobias Matthew Christensen, Sanin Demo, Alice Eckerdal, Lykke Elinder, Sandra Erlandsson, Andreas Färegård, Eleonore Guebin, My Hartman, Alma Karlsson, Valerie Koubová, Etienne Meng, Simon Mlcek, Saga Persson, Signe Rittfeldt, Oscar Sundström, Li Wang, Nina Falk Aronsen, Andreea Marcu, Rúni  Weihe, Erik Tonning Jensen

**Valentin Strohkirch

Organizer: Erik Tonning Jensen

Video editor: Valentin Strohkirch

Page Manager: | 2024-08-31