Hoppa till huvudinnehåll
15 september 2023

The public defence of the thesis (180.0 credits) entitled "Carescape of Blue-Green Solutions in Everyday Life, Exploring the Sociomateriality of a Landscape Technology" takes place on Friday November 10th, 2023 at 01:00 p.m. We will return with information about the location of the defense.  Info Juvicsa Vela, education administrator for [...]

15 september 2023

Public defence in Architecture for Ana Goidea - 2 november 2023  The public defence of the thesis (180.0 credits) entitled ”Transcalar Design: biological principles in architecture through computational design and additive fabrication” takes place on Thursday November 2nd, 2023 at 09:15 a.m. We will return with information about the location of the [...]

24 augusti 2023

MANI-FEST 2023/09/01 –2023/10/10 Vernissage 1 sept kl 17-20   Can architects use the written word to change the world? MANI-FEST is an exhibition and publication inviting 15 young Swedish architects to formulate their own manifestos. The project set out to reflect on the power of words, historical manifestos and what is important to architects in [...]

30 juni 2023

Visiting professor at ABM - Sandi Hilal 3 July 11:15-12:15 Science Track - Design for Partnerships for Change: Welcome and Introduction, 3 July 11:15 – 12:15 Design for Partnerships for Change To rethink and transform the practice of architecture, we need to re-frame not only spatial concepts but also how we think about design, participation and [...]

30 juni 2023

Read more about the project Following the Fish

20 juni 2023

Based on the work in Following the Fish our students have plans for a follow up workshop in Venice, Italy.  This will take place in the beginning of July!  Universities involved in the project via joint initiatives:  Institute participating in collaboration with Leibniz University Hannover: Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona Institutes [...]

9 juni 2023

Land Arc (residensprogram för konstnärer och arkitekter) drivs i samverkan mellan Kivik Art Centre och Lunds universitet/LTH - med finansiering av Region Skåne.

31 maj 2023

Sandi Hilal, currently Lise Meitner professor at our department ABM, has been awarded at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice: Golden Lion for the best participant in the 18th Exhibition The Laboratory of the Future to DAAR – Alessandro Petti and Sandi Hilal for their long-standing commitment to deep political engagement with architectural and [...]

31 mars 2023

Integrated Design AAHN10/VSMN15 - Tiny towers Teachers: Erik Serrano, Alex van de Beld, Maria Rasmussen The course The aim of the course Integrated Design is to establish a common frame of concepts relating to structures, optimisation and architectural expressions, in the interaction between engineers and architects in the final part of their [...]

5 mars 2023