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21 december 2023

19 december 2023

7 december 2023

My name is Lydia Koedoot and I did my bachelor's in architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands followed by my master at Lund University. Maria Rasmussen was my supervisor during my master thesis project. After finishing my master's degree I started working at Sesam Arkitekter based in Kristianstad where I have been [...]

27 november 2023

Start seminar, PhD Student Anton Tetov Johansson Monday 11 December 2023, 10:15-12:00, room 4011. Reader: Paul Nicholas, Associate Professor, Institute of Architecture and Technology CITA Royal Danish Academy. Main Supervisor: Per-Johan Dahl (Associate Professor, LTH Architecture and the Built Environment), Co-supervisors: David Andréen (Senior [...]

16 november 2023

The department's researchers Fredrik Torisson and Pablo Miranda are co-applicants in the project "Housing as a digitalised service".  Guy Baeten and Carina Listerborn from Malmö University, Fredrik Torisson and Pablo Miranda from LTH, Maja de Neergaard from Roskilde University, Maria Kaika from the University of Amsterdam and Inge Goudsmit from the [...]

31 oktober 2023

Studytrip to Tanzania for students in our course Urban Shelter.  "The main aim of the course is to give deeper understanding of urban shelter design in an international perspective with focus on the urban poor. The course also aims to develop and synthesize knowledge from previous courses by linking concepts and theories in architecture and [...]

26 oktober 2023

20 oktober 2023

Misagh Mottaghi has composed, for the Degree of Doctor, an academic thesis (180.0 credits) entitled Carescape of Blue-Green Solutions in Everyday Life: Exploring the Socio-materiality of a Landscape Technology.  Research subject: Architecture Information is available at: http://www.lth.se/forskning/ http://portal.research.lu.se/portal/sv/ [...]

16 oktober 2023

Ana Goidea has composed, for the Degree of Doctor, an academic thesis (180.0 credits) entitled Transcalar Design: Biological Principles in Architecture through Computational Design and Additive Fabrication.  Research subject: Architecture Information is available at: http://www.lth.se/forskning/ http://portal.research.lu.se/portal/sv/ [...]

16 oktober 2023