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30 June 2023

Read more about the project Following the Fish

20 June 2023

Based on the work in Following the Fish our students have plans for a follow up workshop in Venice, Italy.  This will take place in the beginning of July!  Universities involved in the project via joint initiatives:  Institute participating in collaboration with Leibniz University Hannover: Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona Institutes [...]

31 May 2023

Sandi Hilal, currently Lise Meitner professor at our department ABM, has been awarded at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice: Golden Lion for the best participant in the 18th Exhibition The Laboratory of the Future to DAAR – Alessandro Petti and Sandi Hilal for their long-standing commitment to deep political engagement with architectural and [...]

31 March 2023

Integrated Design AAHN10/VSMN15 - Tiny towers Teachers: Erik Serrano, Alex van de Beld, Maria Rasmussen The course The aim of the course Integrated Design is to establish a common frame of concepts relating to structures, optimisation and architectural expressions, in the interaction between engineers and architects in the final part of their [...]

5 March 2023