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Catalyst and sidetracks

Catalyst and sidetracks | An exploration of the creative process

by Tobias Allard 

In the early years at the School of Architecture, great emphasis is placed on shaping and exploring one's own creative processes. These processes can often become deeply personal, leading to self-criticism and blockages at an early stage, creating obstacles to progress. In this project, personal working methods are explored through a sketching process: is it possible to formulate alternative methods?  A large amount of material is produced intuitively in this project. Afterward, the material is analysed, critiqued, and selections are made. Reinterpretations between different media are conducted to open new perspectives and prevent interruptions in the process. Jockum Nordström's exhibition Inget papper, inga mynt serves as a starting point and source of inspiration for this exploration. The material generates new material; action enables the next action. In this way, the work moves forward.

Tobias Allard is a carpenter and architect educated at the School of Architecture, Lund University.

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