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Logo 60+. Graphic.


We celebrate 60 years this autumn! 

In the autumn of 1964, Carl-Axel Acking, Bo Adamson, Carin Boalt and Sten Samuelson were appointed professors at the newly formed Department of Architecture in Lund. They were tasked with starting Sweden's third architectural programme and building up research in the field. They succeeded very well, and now 60 years later several thousand architects have graduated and hundreds of students have obtained international master's degrees. In research and postgraduate education, knowledge has been built up and hundreds of degrees have been awarded, most of them at doctoral level.

We want to celebrate this anniversary together with students, former students, employees, partners and the public. During the autumn, we invite the public to our exhibitions, seminars and open lectures to celebrate our anniversary.

If you are a student/employee, former student/employee or financier/partner we invite you to our mingle on Friday 11 October. 

For more information - please feel free to contact me. 

Coordinator Helene Sveningsson


This is the first selection of our activities - welcome!

Model building. Photo.

9 September | Symposium | ”The architect as both designer and builder”

Open event - taking place in A-building - more information will come in time. 


House Model. Photo.

11 September | Exhibition | Opening Autumn Saloon 

The exhibition shows a wide variety of student work from year one to five.

Play with 3-D models. Photo.

12 September | Exhibition 60+ UnFold: exploring artistic directions in architectural research | Opening at Skissernas Museum 

Architecture at LTH | Lund University is celebrating its 60th anniversary with an exhibition in Gallerigången at Skissernas museum 2024-09-12—2024-10-27 

Architecture is a discipline that includes socio-political issues, production and construction methods as well as insight into historical and future worlds. Sensibility towards form and matter is part of the aesthetics of architecture; artistic experimentation is imperative for ushering in speculative futures in societal transformation. The School of Architecture at Lund University is currently working on establishing new directions for artistic research in architecture. The exhibition presents a broad survey of architecture projects with artistic ambitions emanating from the School of Architecture at Lund University. The present collection of works is delineated along four trajectories of exploration— the socio-political strand, which engages with contemporary societal issues by offering alternative perspectives; digital fabrication, offering novel modes of production and construction; practice based research, which establishes generative connections between the architectural discipline and the outcome of real-world practices; and lastly, the education interface, which showcases innovative proposals by current students spanning from foundational to doctoral levels of education. These four trajectories contextualize the initial phase of establishing Sweden’s first platform for artistic research in architecture.  

Soon we will present the participating projects and you will find the link here. 


Round table. Photo.

18 September | Research | Roundtable discussion

Designing the Future

Orienting Studio Teaching Towards Real-World Change’, a roundtable discussion with ABM teachers who are engaging with real world projects. 

Doctoral hat. Photo.

20 September | Public Defence | Degree of Doctor | Alva Zalar 

Public Defence by Alvar Zalar 

Title: Queer as a city: Unsettling coherence in ‘sustainable urban development’

A-building, Sölvegatan 24, 223 62 Lund

Lecture Hall A:C at 13:00. 


White plastic chairs. Photo.

25 September | Exhibition | Furniture in Transformation | Industrial Design students

Visual Communication IV | Industrial Design Programme | Bachelor level, year 3

The course Visual Communication IV is a mandatory course in the third year on the Industrial Design Programme’s Bachelor level. The aim of the course is to enhance the students’ ability to critically reflect upon the relation between humans and our visual and material culture. This is attained mainly by practical training in working with two course assignments: the realization of a redesigned plastic chair; and a scale model in 1:5 of a sitting furniture. Through teamwork, supervision, reviews and lectures the students train their ability to take part in discussions about furniture and interior design. The course also gives practical training in poster, folder and exhibition design to improve the students’ visual communication skills.

Industrial Design students are exhibiting the course assignment Furniture in Transformation during the period of 25 September to 4October 2024 in the Exhibition Hall. The aim of the assignment is to encourage a reflection of the valuation and labelling of designed objects. This has been achieved by analysing a so-called Modern Furniture Classic and then translating this analysis to a reused plastic chair through practical design work. The common white plastic chair is a helpful starting material, in that it offers and provokes different standpoints concerning aesthetic values, functionality and material techniques. Plastic is also a debated and questioned material, yet it is a material that exists in abundance and could be taken care of and used in new ways. The transformation of the plastic chairs in this assignment should be seen an example of that.

Detail, material. Photo.

11 October | Exhibition | Opening - Architectural Design and prototypes 

The architectural profession is constantly trying out new approaches as each project can have different conditions. However, sometimes we need to free ourselves from conventions and our own limitations. In the Design Process and Prototype course, we will complete an idea from sketch to relatively finished result through cross-disciplinary work at a manageable scale. We will benefit from other disciplines' approaches/methodologies. Cross-border encounters can generate new unexpected results and constraints can result in more creativity than free work without a framework. Study the world around you with open eyes and learn from others' discoveries and approaches. Challenge yourself! Remember that there are no failures, only lessons learnt.


Champagne. Photo.

11 October | Anniversary | Mingle 60+

We take the opportunity when the Exhibition Hall is dressed for festivities and invite students, former students, employees, former employees and collaboration partners to our mingle 11 October from 6:30 PM.  

Exhibition Hall, A-building, Sölvegatan 24, Lund 

Fritte Fritzson, Swedish comedian and architect, trained at our school, will be our host for the evening. The programme is currently being prepared and will be presented on this page in due course.

Maybe you want to settle a class reunion with fellow students from the past? Take the opportunity to meet old and new friends!

We create the environment and the conditions, you bring out the party mood and join us.  

Mini Furniture. Photo.

14 October | Exhibition | Miniatures | Industrial Design students

Industrial Design students are exhibiting the course assignment Miniatures during the period of 14 October to 16 October in the Black Box. Miniatures deals with sitting furniture in scale 1:5. The aim of the assignment is to apply an experimental approach to design method, furniture form and function, as well as furniture materials, and invent a novel piece of sitting furniture. The small scale is chosen to allow students to try out many different solutions throughout the design process. By working with a miniature furniture, the students will also improve their abilities to deal with scale models. The experimental research process and the design process are both documented and reflected upon in a folder.

Logo. ArchFilmFestival. Graphic.

18-20 October | Exhibition | Happening | Collaboration with Lund Architecture Film Festival at Skissernas 

More information to come. 

Round table. Photo.

30 October | Research | Roundtable discussion

Housing Futures, a roundtable discussion on current housing research in the department. 

Dark evening in the park. Photo.

7 November | Research | Lecture by Thorbjörn Laike, professor emeritus | 1:30 PM 

"Almost 60 years of dancing: collaborations between environmental psychology and architecture" 

Round table. Photo.

27 November | Research | Roundtable discussion

Interrogating the Built Environment: New Approaches to Understanding Urban Change

Roundtable discussion with PhD students to discuss the methods they are employing to study architecture and the built environment. How do researchers understand and engage with urban dynamics in different ways?

Per Qvarnström med Anshelm. Foto.

9 September - 20 December | Exhibition | What about Anshelm? 

Klas Anshelm (1914-1980), architect and since 1973 an honorary doctor at LTH, was the man commissioned to build a new technical college in Lund in a short time. He was himself an engineer's son and had some artistic dreams, trained as an architect at Chalmers.  When he set up his own architectural practice in Lund in 1947, he embraced a modern function-based style of brick and concrete. The Swedish state became a major employer and gave him large commissions for the universities in Lund and Gothenburg.

This photo exhibition has been compiled by architect Per Qvarnström, a former student at the school. Per Qvarnström has organised a number of exhibitions and written a book on Klas Anshelm's work.

You can see the exhibition, outside our library.  during the period 9 September to 20 December 2024.


Hanging posters. Photo.

9 September - 20 December Exhibition | Research | Posters 

With this poster exhibition we describe current research projects at our department. 

You can see the exhibition, outside our library from 9 September to 20 December 2024.